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The Introvert Advantage - www.theintrovertadvantage.com
Website about The Introvert Advantage – How to Thrive in an Extrovert World, by Marti Olsen Laney, a comprehensive guide.
New Equations - www.newequations.com
New Equations is a physical practice for discovering the way in which you physically express your spiritual nature. Every person brings one of nine different universal strengths to the world. These strengths, or soul types, fundamentally influence how we perceive and respond to the world. Each is an invaluable piece of the fabric of humanity.
Speaking Circles® - www.speakingcircles.com
Speaking Circles® transform the way people communicate, allowing them to more fully express their natural creativity, passion and humor, both professionally and personally.
The International Coach Federation - www.coachfederation.org
The International Coach Federation, primary professional organization of personal/ professional coaching. Information on the coaching profession.

Minnesota Coaches Association - www.minnesotacoaches.org
The Minnesota chapter of the International Coach Federation, with information about coaching and coaches in Minnesota.

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